Temp story

Story author name is Asim / 1 Min Read / testing
A logline is a quick summary of the who, what, where, and why of your story. It covers the basics and leaves us with a hook. A logline will let readers know the central conflict of your story and should include an emotional hook to get readers interested. Keep loglines concise—a few sentences will do!


Say it in 100 words

Anyone who reads your story is making an investment of their time. Make that investment worth it by giving them something to care about right off the bat. Readers like to know what they're getting into from the get-go—taking them for the ride of their lives is what the rest of the story is for. 

Be distinct 

What is your story's hook? What's the one thing that's different from every other story on Wattpad? Everyone is writing a story that is special and brilliant in its own way. Make yours shine!


Take Kate Marchant's Float, for example. 

The hook: In order to fit in during her summer visit to a beachside town, Waverly must take swimming lessons from Blake, the moody (but gorgeous) lifeguard next door.

The full description: Seventeen-year-old Waverly Lyons is from Alaska. She doesn't do sun. But after her divorced parents can't agree on who gets to have her for the summer, Waverly gets shipped off to Holden, Florida, to spend a couple months with her aunt, Rachel. There's one minor hiccup: Blake Hamilton, Rachel's seventeen-year-old neighbor. He's athletic, outgoing, arrogant, tan, and pretty much Waverly's exact opposite. She's eager to avoid him at all costs, hoping to fit in with the other kids in Holden without drawing too much attention to herself. But when Blake discovers that Waverly has been hiding the rather embarrassing secret that she can't swim, he does the unthinkable: He offers to teach her.




This is the block editor body text.  Above, where it states "Testing" in bold is where I placed the title.


Below is an image that i dropped in.